How Advisors Can Serve Content Creator Clients
How Advisors Can Serve Content Creator Clients

How Advisors Can Serve Content Creator Clients

Jeff Berman
October 2, 2024

Advisors Can Guide Social Media Influencer And Content Creator Clients Through Inconsistent Income Streams

To learn the best strategies advisors can use are these clients, we spoke with Matt McGraw, Wealth Advisor at Marshall Financial; Rick Nott, Senior Managing Director at Angeles Wealth Management; and Arynton Hardy, Wealth Manager at Savvy Advisors.

We asked each of them: How do you work with content creators and social media influencers on planning and investing when there is less certainty about their income and investable assets?

Matt McGraw, Wealth Advisor, Marshall Financial

Matt McGraw, Wealth Advisor, Marshall Financial

When clients, especially those in non-traditional careers like content creation, experience a sudden influx of wealth, we prioritize which buckets to fill first.

Do they have high-interest debt, like credit card debt or student loans? Do they have up
to 12 months of emergency savings in a secure cash account?

Income can be sporadic for content creators and influencers, so paying off debt and having emergency savings can help maintain their lifestyle and cash flow while safeguarding against unpredictable future earnings.

After filling those buckets, we ask, “What else is important?” For some, it is minimizing taxes and saving for retirement, in which case we’d focus on tax strategies like quarterly tax payments and maximizing business deductions, in addition to selecting the right retirement savings vehicle.

With fluctuating income, it can be even more important to determine a savings goal to help ensure you have enough when it comes time to retire – whenever that may be.

Others have a big purchase on the horizon, like investing in their business or buying a home. Since content creators often rely on a mix of ad revenue, sponsorships, merchandise, affiliate marketing and fan donations, planning for a large purchase can be difficult.

To protect against income loss from any one source, we strive to achieve proper diversification, which can help provide more stable income.

We’ve found that understanding our clients’ values and priorities allows us to guide them in the right direction when it comes to decisions surrounding their wealth, no matter how irregular their income.

Rick Nott, Managing Director, Angeles Wealth Management

Rick Nott, Managing Director, Angeles Wealth Management

For creators, creatives or anyone with cyclical income, thriving financially in the long run means one thing: flexibility.

It’s easy to assume that tomorrow will look much like today. However, change is constant, and financial ebbs and flows are the norm, not the exception. The highs can stretch just long enough to forget what the lean times felt like, but nearly everything moves in cycles.

For content creators, whose income can be as unpredictable as it is rewarding, long-term financial success means planning for all cycles.

When we plan for financially successful creators, our first priority is to segment their assets. We identify how much they need to save and invest to establish a solid safety net and sustain their current lifestyle.

Once that foundation is in place, we can explore how they’d like to leverage anything beyond that. This approach allows creators to maintain focus on the compounding process (time in the market) and minimize drags on growth like taxes and expenses.

Focus, or a lack thereof, is where things can go sideways. There will always be an exciting investment opportunity that might take years to pan out. For example, in Southern California, there is a massive culture of real estate ownership. However, putting too much of your flexible, liquid assets into your first or second home reduces your flexibility in the future.

A strategic capital allocation strategy is one of the most important decisions that a household will make, particularly for creators as income can fluctuate and often depend on market trends.

Arynton Hardy, Wealth Manager, Savvy Advisors

I help content creators, founders and professional athletes navigate sudden surges in wealth and atypical income streams.

Arynton Hardy, Wealth Manager, Savvy Advisors

Our first priority is lifestyle costs – the expenses needed to maintain day-to-day life, such as mortgages, cars, marketing or even hosting events. We focus on ensuring that investment income can help cover these costs so lifestyle expenses don’t outpace income.

That’s why we typically recommend clients hold one year’s worth of expenses in cash for unexpected needs or extended periods without income.

Next, tax planning is essential, especially when clients experience sudden income spikes – what we call “sudden wealth.” Shifting from an individual to a business mindset is critical.

A skilled tax planner can help manage income across multiple corporations, reduce taxes and prevent surprises. When done right, this strategy secures long-term wealth for both the client and their family.

Lastly, we address carrying costs. Major purchases like homes or boats often come with hidden expenses – property taxes, insurance and maintenance. Without careful planning, these ongoing costs can erode wealth over time.

A solid financial plan ensures clients can enjoy their assets for a lifetime, not just a few years.

Ultimately, my goal is to build a financial foundation that empowers clients to pursue their aspirations and thrive both now and in the future. This allows them to focus on what they do best – whether it’s creating engaging content, building a successful business or excelling in their sport.


Jeff Berman, Contributing Editor and Reporter at Wealth Solutions Report, can be reached at




Arynton Hardy

Hello there 👋🏼 I’m Arynton Hardy, a Wealth Manager, Licensed Advisor, and Entrepreneur specializing in financial planning for clients with unique income streams. My passion lies in creating personalized plans tailored to their specific circumstances, helping them navigate the intricacies of their financial situations, and ultimately achieving their goals.

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Arynton Hardy is an investment adviser representative with Savvy Advisors, Inc. (“Savvy Advisors”). Savvy Advisors is an SEC registered investment advisor. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the speakers and authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Savvy Advisors. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but are not assured as to accuracy.