Work with an experienced financial advisor

Keep up with the rapidly evolving landscape of investment opportunities and work with a financial advisor who understands the right alternatives for you.

Alternative investment products

From private equity to structured products, here’s how we can bring diversification and innovation to your portfolio:

Private Equity Funds
Access to funds that invest in companies with high-growth potential. We apply rigorous due diligence and offer guidance to help you be a part of what might be a new groundbreaking venture.
Hedge Funds
We specialize in selecting hedge funds that are both dynamic and grounded in robust financial analysis.  Depending on your comfort for risk, we’ll help to find a hedge fund strategy that suits your financial personality.
Real Estate Funds
From commercial buildings to luxurious residential estates, real estate remains one of the most tangible forms of alternative investments. Our strategy combines your holistic financial time horizon with real estate fund investments tailored to you.
Structured Products
Structured products can offer customized risk-return profiles that traditional investments can't. We analyze, strategize, and implement structured products that can help to optimize your returns while balancing your risk tolerance.

Active, hands-on management for long term results

At Savvy, we’re not just number-crunchers but strategic thinkers and problem solvers. Active research and discernment over your alternative investments enable us to bring actionable insights and forward-thinking risk assessments to your portfolio.

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Interests in any alternative investment vehicle are offered only pursuant to the terms of a Confidential Private Placement Memorandum (the “Memorandum”), which is furnished only to qualified investors on a confidential basis for their consideration in connection with the private offering of limited partnership interests. Investments in alternative investments involve significant risks, including loss of the entire investment. Alternative investments are illiquid and investors should consider their liquidity needs before investing.  

Structured products are complex products that involve investment and other substantial risks compared to traditional investments and may not be appropriate for all investors. Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the structured product carefully before investing.


What are alternative investments?

Alternative investments are assets outside of stocks, bonds, and cash, such as private equity, hedge funds, real estate, infrastructure, and commodities that can provide portfolio diversification and higher returns but tend to be complex and illiquid.

Alternative investments are assets outside of stocks, bonds, and cash, such as private equity, hedge funds, real estate, infrastructure, and commodities that can provide portfolio diversification and higher returns but tend to be complex and illiquid.

What is alternative investment?

An alternative investment is any financial asset beyond conventional stocks, bonds, and cash, designed to potentially enhance portfolio diversification, reduce volatility, and boost yields, albeit with added complexity, lower liquidity, and higher fees.

An alternative investment is any financial asset beyond conventional stocks, bonds, and cash, designed to potentially enhance portfolio diversification, reduce volatility, and boost yields, albeit with added complexity, lower liquidity, and higher fees.

What is alternate investment fund?

An alternative investment fund pools capital from multiple investors to invest in various nontraditional assets like private equity, hedge funds, real estate, infrastructure, and commodities outside of public stock and bond markets.

An alternative investment fund pools capital from multiple investors to invest in various nontraditional assets like private equity, hedge funds, real estate, infrastructure, and commodities outside of public stock and bond markets.

What is alternative investing?

Alternative investing means allocating capital to supplementary assets like private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, managed futures, real estate, infrastructure, and commodities to diversify beyond stocks and bonds.

Alternative investing means allocating capital to supplementary assets like private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, managed futures, real estate, infrastructure, and commodities to diversify beyond stocks and bonds.

What are alternate investment funds?

Alternative investment funds facilitate capital raising to channel investor money into nontraditional assets including private capital, natural resources, real estate, infrastructure, and tangible assets.

Alternative investment funds facilitate capital raising to channel investor money into nontraditional assets including private capital, natural resources, real estate, infrastructure, and tangible assets.

Why invest in alternative investments?

Investing in alternative assets can enhance portfolio diversification, dampen volatility, provide higher risk-adjusted returns, and benefit from specialized active management expertise less accessible in public markets.

Investing in alternative assets can enhance portfolio diversification, dampen volatility, provide higher risk-adjusted returns, and benefit from specialized active management expertise less accessible in public markets.

Is private debt an alternative investment?

Yes, private debt is considered an alternative investment because it involves financing private companies through private credit funds rather than via traditional public bond issuances or bank loans.

Yes, private debt is considered an alternative investment because it involves financing private companies through private credit funds rather than via traditional public bond issuances or bank loans.

What is alternative investment fund?

An alternative investment fund is a private capital pool investing in nontraditional assets outside of stocks, bonds, and cash, like hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, real estate, infrastructure, and commodities.

An alternative investment fund is a private capital pool investing in nontraditional assets outside of stocks, bonds, and cash, like hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, real estate, infrastructure, and commodities.